The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, is soliciting research proposals for Sustainability Research.

Primary considerations

Original scientific research Project proposals limited to $100,000.   

  • Exploratory research related to the socio-economic and environmental sustainability implications of raising beef in rural communities compared to its absence in urban communities. Analysis should investigate the differences in the following variables but not limited to livelihoods, land use, food security, community cohesion, etc.
Research ideas should be novel, applicable to the industry, and have high potential impact. Collaboration is strongly encouraged where relevant. Proposals should focus on benchmarking beef sustainability and identifying areas of improvement. 


  • Historical assessment of land use change over the years and the subsequent effects on the social and economic aspects of beef sustainability. Emphasis should be placed on variables including but not limited to urban encroachment, conservation, recreation, view shed, biodiversity, invasive species, crop conversion, grazing conversion, etc.
  • Assessment of available technologies used within the beef sustainability landscape. Analysis should include environmental sustainability benefits, limitations of technology, interpretation of data, and future implications and/or adaptations needed to make sound management decisions.
  • Assessment of unintended consequences of beef sustainability as a result of consumer decisions and pressures. Analysis should not be comprehensive but focused on areas such as label claims, societal pressures, sustainability initiatives and goals, nutrient perceptions, animal welfare, etc.
  • Assessment of the literature identifying key indicators and methodologies for a water quality and quantity environmental sustainability baseline in the cow-calf sector. Analysis should include parameters across regions, data and management limitations, identifying areasd of standardization, ecosystem service values, and future industry implications for tracking environmental progress.

*Assessments are not intended to exhaustively address all variables of interest, but rather provide direction that encourages a diverse range of projects and inquiries.

**Budgets above $10,000 may be considered if justified.


  • Proposal submission date: June 30th, 2024
  • Funding notifications: Late Fall 2024 


  • Original Scientific Research
    • Can begin on or after January 2025, with a project timeline of up to 24 months, and must end by May 2027.
  • Existing Research Assessment
    • Project timeline up to 12 months.


Proposals must meet the submission deadline and follow the guidelines in this RFP to be considered. Accepted projects will be funded (or funded in part) by the Beef Checkoff.   

Research objectives should be clearly defined. Proposals should clearly state their relevance and potential benefit to the beef industry. Leveraged funding through collaborations with industry, foundations, government, and other sources with matching funds is encouraged. In addition, collaboration with additional researchers or institutions is encouraged where appropriate.   

PIs may submit more than one proposal. A CV is not required. 

Questions related to this RFP should be directed to TJ Carlisle ([email protected]).

PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY June 30, 2024 at 11:59pm EST via the BeefGrants system. 

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, has moved to an online portal, BeefGrants, for managing the grants process and to facilitate the submission and review of grant materials. All portal users will need to set up an account. Please visit HERE to register and apply for a grant.

Proposal Outline

The following fields will be required in BeefGrants:

  • Applicant Information 
    • Organization Information
    • Researcher Information 
    • Contracts/Grant Administrator Contact Details
  • Application Summary 
    • Scientific Project Title and Lay Title
    • Titles must emphasize a focus on sustainability or relation to a specific pillar.
  • Project Estimates
    • Total Cost of Research
    • Proposed Start and End Date
  • Project Details
    • Project Background & Hypothesis (~650 words maximum)
    • Objectives 
    • Design of Experiment/Materials and Methods
    • Practical Application of Research for Use in the Beef Industry
  • Detailed Budget Table 
  • Other Sources of Support/Co-funding (optional) 
  • Supporting Documents/CV (optional)


Publication of all research is expected regardless of the outcome, however financial support for manuscript publication is considered separate from research contracts. Once your project is completed and the final report is submitted, please reach out to NCBA staff to receive more information on the new publishing guidance. 


PIs should review completed Beef Sustainability projects to avoid submitting an idea that already has been covered. Completed project summaries are available HERE.

We understand that PIs do not know the nature of ongoing research projects. However, a list of ongoing projects cannot be made available due to contracting sensitivities. Please understand this limitation and use your best judgment to submit proposals that are both novel and of high industry impact. If you have questions please feel free to reach out.


Project deliverables will include, at minimum, a final technical report with a full listing of research results and implications, and an abbreviated executive summary highlighting key points from the full technical report. Final technical reports must follow a standard outline and be thorough and interpretive in nature. 

Deliverables also will include a final statement outlining all project expenditures from the institution’s business office. 

Funds cannot be spent beyond the project end date established in the project contract. Deliverables will be due on or before the project end date established in the contract. 


Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of independent industry experts and applicants will be notified of funding decisions listed above. Proposals will be evaluated for: clearly defined hypothesis and objectives, experimental design/methods, and convincing evidence that the proposed research will change the concepts, methods, or technologies that drive this field.


We are aware that academic institutions have financial obligations for administering the research grants awarded to their faculty members. However, overhead costs, principal investigator salaries, tuition and equipment purchases will not be considered as part of the funds made available for this research.

Please share this RFP with interested colleagues.

Visit for additional information on the checkoff-funded Beef sustainability Research program.